Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dear Santa

Dear   Santa,
I want Twenty (20) dinosaurs for the Christmas. I also want a train for my little brother. I think he also wants Rosie and the water tower. I will be good all the time. So don’t worry about me. I want big and small dinosaurs. I don’t care what the color is. I don’t want to know what the height is. I need five more Triceratops, 2 Torosaurus, 10 (Ten) T-rexes,2 Euoplocephalus and one Ankylosaurus. That’s all. Do you really have a big book, Please tell elves not to mess up with the names. It can’t be that difficult to read names of dinosaurs, I think they are good at reading. I hope they are better than my mother, she can’t read dinosaur names, Can you tell me exactly that how many elves work for you. Tomorrow I am going to visit Children’s Museum; I am really excited about that, do you know they have real dinosaur fossils. Don’t forget Thomas toys for my brother. He is a big help, so don’t hurt his feelings. I am good to my family. I always take a bath. I will always read books. I will not stay up late on Christmas Eve. Thank you very much. Thishya Mendis

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mr.Hammerheadshark and squid

One day early in the morning when Mr.Hammerhead shark was getting ready to go hunting  found  a stingray.He was very hungry but still said "I am going to make stingray soup later". So he left stingray for the dinner.Last time he had fish fries with stingray soup for the lunch. Mr.Hammerhead shark was a lucky one because he can eat anything edible to a shark. His favorite is stingray soup, of course.
                   But today he had to hunt for a long time to find something good to eat. Finally, he found a good school of fish.He took 8000 fish into one bite and left 70 fish for some other time because he felt very hungry. Last time when he brought home a large squid for supper,the squid said " I am hungry too" so Mr.Hammerhead had to work. "You're a great chef " said the squid.Mr.Hammerhead looked at him."But I need a massage now,just a thought Mr.Hammerhead"squid said slowly again.Then Mr.Hammerhead said "Well I do like fish or anything edible to a shark tender, oh.. but let me see".So Mr.Hammerhead  got to work again.He massaged and massaged the squid with his hammer.He got tired and fell down. While he was taking just a little rest, his eyes got closed for a moment.Then squid got away from him without saying thank you for the good massage.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Snowing at Breakfast

I knew It's Saturday.So I was delighted when my mom told me it's snowing early in the morning. I looked outside my window,yes, it was snowing,for the first time in Bloomington.So this is something for me to celebrate.I shouted at malla,my little brother, to come and see.He looked very sleepy.Then I showed him how its snowing outside , his eyes popped out right away.We looked and looked over and over again by hanging through the window, snow flurries were falling and falling with no stopping,our car was fully covered with snow,the height of the snow on our  car was about three white bread sandwiches filled with PB and Jelly.Our car color was maroon but it looked like a whitish maroonish ghost.Then our mom called us for the breakfast,I wished that I could have cereal and milk but it turned out to be a sandwich filled with  butter and jelly for  me and butter less for malla. Malla hates butter. I ate my one in five bites to get outside and play.Then mom yelled at me to finish my milk. She said that was not the time to go outside. She called me to read books so I had to wait until I can go out. My joy got over for the morning with that.